Monday, January 17, 2011

English is a Funny Language...

Tricky Plurals:

We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;
but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes.

One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
yet the plural of moose should never be meese.

You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice;
yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.

If the plural of man is always called men,
why shouldn’t the plural of pan be called pen?

If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet,
and I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?

If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
why shouldn’t the plural of booth be called beeth?

Then one may be that, and three would be those,
yet hat in the plural would never be hose,

and the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
but though we say mother, we never say methren.

Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, but imagine the feminine, she, shis and shim.

Lets face it, English is a crazy language!

*Golden Globe Awards 2011, the Facebook tale “The Social Network” won top honors with four prizes, including best drama and director.

AA dah tengok filem ini, dan secara peribadi, merasakan yang sebenarnya “licik” adalah Mark Zuckerberg itu sendiri sehingga sanggup mengenepikan persahabatan.

~...sejak memahami erti “we are not meant to be together” SERI BULAN seboleh mungkin tidak mahu menoleh ke arah dapur atau serambi lagi, sebaliknya merenung halaman yang luas sehingga HISYAM yakin kain tutup tingkap pun tidak mampu menghalang panahan matahari...~


  1. for me, english is a unique language....

  2. waahhh...where do u get all this...interesting!

  3. saya pernah baca fasal kepelikan bahasa inggeris tu ... lamaaa dulu, dah tak ingat kat mana.

    knife .. huruf k tak ada bunyi.
    hour .. huruf h tak ada bunyi.

    jadi mentekedarah apa dia bubuh huruf k dan huruf h tu !?

  4. haha.. memang kelakar..

    setuju dgn komen Tuan Haji Hamzah.. mengarut betul pi bubuh huruf tu.. nak explain kat budak2 pun payah...

  5. kepelikan dalam bahasa gitu le gayanya yea

  6. wah... unik la!

    kat entri ni ada tersirat.. dan tersurat.. :)

  7. AYUNI:
    Yeahh... semua bahasa di dunia ada keunikan tersendiri.

    Dapat dari email cheq...

    kalu buang dia jadi “nife” or naive? dan “our” lain dah maknanyer tu.

    Kadang-kadang macam tak masuk akal lak... kan?

  9. EJA:
    ahaaa... cikgu yang seksa ek?

    Kepelikan yang boleh diterima seluruh dunia.

  10. KELLA:
    Begitulah yang tertulis....

  11. Paling kelakar bila Nida pi kelas Inggeris di sini suatu masa dahulu.. cikgu kami (orang putih) pun tak faham kenapalah bahasa Inggeris jadi bahasa antarabangsa sebab dia kata bahasa Inggeris ni payah dan mengelirukan..hehe

  12. tiba-tiba teringat
    cerita belajar english tahun 80an
    yang kelakar giler tu..

    apa yek tajuknya
    lupa pulok ^_^

  13. NIDA:
    Ahaaa orang dia sendiri pun mengakuinya. Memang sungguh pelik.

    Siri drama tu pernah gak ditayang lagi tahun lepas. MIND YOUR LANGUAGE. Gurunya hensem Mr Brown, kan? (tapi dia gay sebenarnya) hehehehe
    ingat dialog ini? “thousand apologies!”

  14. Aa - guru english saya semasa A level di Toronto dulu cakap, orang Inggris tak pandai eja, sebab tu lain yang dieja, lain yg dibaca. Contoh:

    1. Study and stupid
    2. Finger and ginger
    3. Laundry and Lingerie
    4. Sponge and Spoon

    he he he Anyway, good entry sys. Keep the good work up ok.

  15. ABANG RR:
    Dalam bahasa Inggeris memang tiada perkataan English “RAMBUTAN” kan? kan? :)

  16. AA- tak ada. Sama macam Durian, Orang Utan and etc. :)

  17. it might seems like a very hard thing to be describe..but..believe me..there is no such a hard thing to learn this PELIK LANGUAGE..

    Setuju, dan terus belajar....:)


Terimakasih sudi mengomen...


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